Bayeux Tapesty, 11th century

Limbourg Brothers, Les Très Riches Heures de Duc de Berry, circa 1412-1416

Ambrogio Lorenzetti, "Allegory of Good Government in the City", 1338-1339 -- Siena

Ambrogio Lorenzetti, "Effects of Good Government in the City", 1338-1339 -- Siena

Ambrogio Lorenzetti, "Bad Government in the City", 1338-1339 -- Siena

Giotto, "St. Francis of Assisi Receiving the Stigmata", circa 1295-1300 -- Siena

Duccio, "The Virgin and Child with Saints Dominic and Aurea", circa 1312-1315 -- Siena

Giotto, "Ognissanti Madonna", ca. 1310 – Florence

Giotto and his workshop, "Pentecost", 1310-1318 – Siena

Dürer, "The Draftsman's Net", 1525

Giotto, "God the Father with Angels", ca. 1330 -- Florence

Ugolino de Nerio, "The Ascent to Calvary" from the Santa Croce Altarpiece, possibly 1325-1328 – Siena and Florence

Giovanni Baronzio, "The Feast of Herod and the Beheading of the Baptist", ca. 1330-5 -- Romagna

Paolo di Giovanni Fei, "The Presentation of the Virgin", 1398-9 -- Siena

Brunelleschi's experiment, c. 1425 -- Florence

Masaccio, "The Virgin and Child", 1426 -- Pisa

Masolino di Panicale, "The Annunciation", ca. 1423-4 -- Florence

Master of Osservanza, "The Death of St. Anthony", ca. 1430-35 -- Siena

Master of Osservanza, "The Meeting of St. Anthony with St. Paul", ca. 1430-35 – Siena

van Eyck, "The Arnolfini Marriage", 1434 -- Netherlands

Pisanello, "The Vision of St. Eustace", circa 1438-1442 – the artist worked in many places

Paolo Uccello, "The Battle of San Romano", circa 1438-1440 -- Florence

Domenico Veneziano, "St John in the Desert", ca. 1445-50 -- Florence

Fra Carnivale, "The Annunciation", ca. 1445-50 -- Urbino

Giovanni di Paolo, "St John the Baptist going into the Wilderness", 1454 -- Siena

Antonello da Messina, "St. Jerome in his Study", circa 1475 – Naples/Netherlands

Paolo Uccello, "St. George and the Dragon", circa 1470 -- Florence

Andrea Mantegna, "The Introduction of the Cult of Cybele at Rome", 1505-1506 -- the artist worked in many places

Leonardo da Vinci, "The Virgin of the Rocks" (London), 1490-1508

Michaelangelo, "Pietà", 1498-1499

Raphael, "The School of Athens", 1509-1511


Renaissance Readings:

1. Giovanni Boccaccio, The Decameron (ca. 1348-1353)

Get it from , or from any library or bookstore.


Read the Proem, and then

--Day 1: Intro., Novel 1, Novel 2

--Day 3: Intro., Novel 1

--Day 7: Intro., Novel 2

2. Jacob Burckhardt, The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy (1860)


Get it from: ; or any large library or bookstore (physical editions are usually well-illustrated with the art referred to in the text).


Pt. 1 – Intro.

Pt. 2 – Personality

Pt. 3 – Intro.; The Ruins of Rome; Classics; Humanists

Pt. 4 – The Natural Sciences; The Discovery of the Beauty of the Landscape; The Discovery of Man; Biography in the MiddleAges; The Description of Human Life





Final Exam Questions



Israel and Greece Table

Greece and Rome Table

Medieval Table


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